Bologna: Third Day

2024-10-14 • no tags • 419 words

(Day 10 of #100DaystoOffload)

Now the Monday.


For breakfast, I searched around for a different, new place but I couldn't find any that were both open and did vegan food. I found one, but it had closed by the time I got back round to looking to go there... So, I returned to Ca Pelletti, and had a salad again. Very nice, but it was a shame there was nowhere else to go... All the breakfast places have croissants and that sort of thing, which is no good for me. Veganism isn't really a part of the diet here, which is fine I suppose, it just makes it a bit difficult to eat for me...


There is a lot of (motor) traffic down Via dell'Independenza. I suppose that it is only pedestrian on weekends? It is much more noisy and horrid with all this traffic, and I even saw a woman almost get run over as I returned... She muttered 'sempre loro, sempre loro...' after she got across...

It's a bit of a shame, as I thought this city had motor traffic under control, but perhaps only sometimes. There are a huge number of adverts for cars on the TV as well... I fear that Italy is still pretty bad when it comes to keeping traffic in control. Better than the UK, but that doesn't say much.

Visit to the outskirts

I visited among the outskirts of Bologna, really just to see some trees. There is a part I have to go past that is six lanes of traffic, with an island in the middle of each three: the walk signal goes green, but the cars still end up going. As I crossed on the way back, another car turned to go, and I watched as the green pedestrian cross signal (with no pedestrians, granted) stayed whilst huge streams of cars passed through. Odd.

But the trees were nice! I went up to Via dell'Osservanza, and continued until the end of the private road before turning back. I think I could have taken some smaller roads somewhere to get to a park, but I just ended up turning back. En route, I saw some sort of gecko, two red squirrels, and several bees I have not seen before. Very nice! I wish we had such diversity in the UK...


I wandered about, feeling pretty tender (see wv 0092) and eventually ordered a bruschetta and pizza at Pizzatum. The bruschetta was decent (but could have done with some balsamic), and the pizza was a bit too wet with passata and lacking in flavour. Hey ho.