Being by way of being

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Words: 129 (1 minutes to read)

(This is entry 17 of #100DaysToOffload)

It seems to me a lot of the mental fiction humans indulge in, to the extent of treating it as truth (science!) is... I don't want to say recursively defined, but rather exists by way of itself. Think placebo: thinking the existence is the existence.

Sorrow becomes depression when thought to that extent. Laziness yields inaction, yields laziness, yields...

I'm socially awkward because I think instead of talking. If I just stopped...

It's difficult that so much of life can be treated with just a: stop! Just stop being sad, just stop fretting, just stop being addicted, just stop...

The trouble is, the advice is good. And yet, it's so difficult to perform that break. To surpass that barrier. To just stop, or just start.

Spirals go both up and down.