Cycling, and dreams about Europe

2024-12-26 cycling,europe,livable-cities • 449 words

(This is entry 55 of #100DaysToOffload)

I've found this Youtube channel, London cycle routes which shows routes around London. It's all so lovely!

Living in the UK and outside of London, the cycling infrastructure here is... well, it isn't. It just doesn't really exist. We have a couple of shared routes with pedestrians, but we don't have anything like they have in London. There is a video showing a route from Barking to Bank, and the motorway has a cycle path along the entire span of it! And so many of the roads are so quiet, or are either blocked off from one direction or completely car-free.

Now, London really isn't perfect. A fair few of the places are routes where, for a little bit, you share with cars. That isn't great, of course, but when compared to where I live, we basically have the main parts, and then you are just on the roads. Most roads have parked cars on both sides, and every single street has cars abounding which, due to the lack of space, basically force bikes to either just go on the pavement (which is fairly common), or share with the cars which is definitely not safe - the cars around here are very much out to get bikes, and I've had several close encounters, or people even trying to intentionally swerve into me. We have places where the "bike infrastructure" is drawing a bike symbol in the middle of the street, but not actually having any infrastructure whatsoever to actually complement it.

I am so envious...

(Really, it's not the cycling I care about. It's the lack of motorcentrism and the general care about creating livable, enjoyable cities, that are pleasant to exist in. It's almost frustrating, given we had it only a hundred years ago, and decided to destroy it for no real reason...)

It makes me think. Do I want to remain around this area forever? I want to live in Europe I think, where the urbanism is great, and the economy is in less of a decline. Where it doesn't feel like everything is on the down and out.

But then, I do like Britain. I really do find it a great country. The only problem is, I really dislike... the country. I don't know if that makes sense; I sort of like the concept of Britain, but dislike the reality, if that makes sense. I cling onto the idea that Europe (Norway maybe, Germany maybe, Italy maybe) will be my paradise. Of course, that means abandoning a lot, too...

It's so difficult to decide. I've got a finite few years; maybe I should make the best of it, explore new places, explore the world, whilst I can. Youth, and few responsibilities, and all.

Still not sure. I doubt I will be even as I do it.