2024-11-01 • no tags • 371 words
(This is entry 26 of #100DaysToOffload)
It seems like disarray sort of piles up. For instance, my sleep has been really bad recently. I have not been sleeping well at night (getting sometimes only five or so hours) often because of my own fault (poor discipline). As a result of being tired I am sleeping more on the trains to and from work, or sleeping in of a morning (as I did today) instead of going to the gym. As a result, I am falling behind in terms of the reading opportunities I am getting, or the gym (and I need to be going to the gym now - I am trying to lose fat on a calorie deficit so need to make sure I don't also lose muscle) and am not performing as well as I would like generally.
(My sleep was actually so bad recently that I ended up falling asleep and almost missing my stop, on a day where I had arranged to meet up with a friend. Normally my body clock wakes me up two stops before mine. If it weren't for a kind man waking me up before my stop, I would have found myself at the end of the line!)
It seems that disarray seems to accumulate in that way. First the sleep goes. Then performance in other areas begins to go. Then self-doubt kicks in, or a loatheness to do anything. And all this seems to just reinforce itself...
It is the downward spiral.
To remedy it, there is a certain action that needs to be forced, for instance forcing an early bedtime. But then gradually, because of that, everything else will start to fall into its place as well. I'll have more energy to do things on the train. I'll feel more confident with the progress I am making. And all this seems to just reinforce itself...
It is an upward spiral.
This is another reason why I think thousands is a good way to track things. If you get into a rut for a few days or a week or a month or two and don't make any progress: that's fine. Just do it once again, and the 'last updated' goes to the most recent day: you're immediately back on track. No need to wallow in the past: just start against and pick up progress.