Forgotten Concerns

2024-10-28 • no tags • 174 words

(This is entry 24 of #100DaysToOffload)

I went to the dentist today, and ended up with the joy of £26 pound spent and a further £78 when I go back because I'm going to have to get a filling.

I realise though that I have pretty much forgotten my teeth. I do clean my teeth once or twice a day, but... that's it! I don't really focus on my teeth at all.

It makes me think about different concerns in life. I have been focussing on my physical health (muscles, fat...), diet, gym, ... but have not at all paid any attention at all to my teeth. I assumed that what I was already doing would be enough.

How many things am I neglecting in my life, I wonder? What have I neglected that I can never regain? When will I find out that I've neglected it? Are there things I have neglected, and that I will never realise I've neglected? Or, not until it's too late?

Very depressing! Here's a cute picture of baby red setter to cheer you up. cat