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(This is entry 47 of #100DaysToOffload)
I made a massive dinner tonight. Fairly healthy: I had boiled leek, parsnip, carrot alongside buckwheat and quinoa. Plus three sausage rolls.
It was a huge dinner. It took me an hour and a half to eat it all. I started quickly and it got very slow after a while.
It got me thinking: I made the dinner myself, and so I prepared every part of it. I took the leek (which was about 2/3 of the full leek) and cut all of it, to eat. I poured wantonly the buckwheat and quinoa out - it ended up quite a lot. And so, I ended up with a huge dinner. I could have put it in the fridge right, after I had eaten half? Well, no, I didn't. I ate it all tonight.
This has been a habit of mine for a while. I made meals that are too big, and then eat the entire thing. Probably I ate 1800 kcal at that meal.
Habits are very difficult to break. If I want to lose weight (which I do) I need to focus on changing my habits. The things I do without even thinking. Like how I just grabbed the leek and cut the whole remaining leek up without thinking, and then had to eat it. Instead, I could just... use less leek.
But, once habits are changed (and it takes a while) it is amazing the difference. I used to eat all sorts of junk food and sugar and unhealthy stuff. I wasn't very healthy. I'm still not, but there's a major difference in how I eat. I eat far more healthily now (with some exceptions) and I don't really have to think about it - it just happens.
Building good habits seems like a pretty good idea.