2024-11-14 • no tags • 162 words
(This is entry 37 of #100DaysToOffload)
On the train this morning (which is just a regular service) the driver announced (fairly clearly over the tannoy) a long-journey-esque announcement like you get on cross-country services. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to your semi-fast service today, calling at ... only. It's a bit of a dreary day out, but a bit of good news: there are no delays on this service which will be arriving on time .... so on. He said he'd try check the tube services but the tech on board the trains was terrible, and has just announced 'ladies and gentlemen, don't panic!' to introduce that it'll be making a quick unexpected stop to check on a minor fault.
I don't know how to describe this: maybe it's just cute. It makes me giggle anyways. This kind of friendly announcement tone for a service that is just an everyday commuter train is surprisingly wholesome. I like it! Normally we don't get any announcements at all apart from the automated ones.