2024-10-28 • no tags • 255 words
(This is entry 23 of #100DaysToOffload)
I read a few days ago an old entry in my diary where I would write quite lengthily on the topic of Quality, and of God. It was May 2023. I find it strange how it has only been a little over a year, and yet my mentality is so thoroughly altered that I would not in any way be able to write in that form, and philosophrise in that way.
I wish I still could. I think it was meaningful to me.
Now, I did a lot more reading on the topic at that time: I read Pirsig, and some Christian works, and that sort of thing. I suppose I spent quite a while thinking about the idea. I don't read any of that anymore. In fact, I read very little nowadays, overall. As I read Plato this year, I noticed that I wasn't really getting much from it. It somehow just didn't give me anything to read it. It was to reading what looking is to seeing. I've stopped trying to read one Plato per month now.
I think I was happier in that mode. I suppose all I must do is read that sort of work, and eventually I will return to that mode of being?
Can I take the better aspects of my current state, and imbue in it the better aspects of my previous state?
As I don't think the words flow quite as well now. Or if they do, they are less significant. Not that I ever wrote anything of value either way.