Prospective: February 2025

2025-01-31 • no tags • 391 words

(This is entry 84 of 100DaysToOffload)

This acts somewhat as a complement to my month in review for January, and is to give my intentions for next month, Feb 25.

A month in two

Next month will really have to be divided in two, with a certain continuity between the two, yet separate foci before and after. I must divide it according to before the RHS exam, and after that. Like a man and woman who become quadrupedal whilst hugging, there are certain races though I cannot await until the afterdays for, and which I must horsily gallop for as soon as the shot sounds.

Right from the start

So, those things I must start from the start for (a vague sentence).

Firstly, exercise. I really want to do well this month, and that involves a steady effort each day to get there. My minimum in Feb is 114, to make up for Jan's poor showing. I'll try for say, six reps per day, which will get me more like 180, or maybe 160 in reality. Basically, though, I can't slack on it.

In terms of skipping, this is being... replaced by yoga. It's ten minutes a day (a liberal goal), so I can easily do that.

I'd like to at least start to run this month, even if I don't actually get anywhere with it. Just to start.

For the first half

The first half has to be focused on RHS study. So of the four themes, it essentially will be STUDY and HEALTH.

For the second half

Once I've acquired freedom from the RHS exam, I can study with a bit more relaxation. I can then spend more time with GUITAR, playing my guitar, and the mandolin. Potentially also trying my hand a bit at the violin.

Other Things

I need to get an ISA, and a LISA, sorted out before the end of the financial year.

So, specifics.