Remote is reality

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Words: 214 (1 minutes to read)

(This is entry 70 of #100DaysToOffload)

Prepare your child to exceed in the 11+ exam in the surrounding areas of $TOWN with our remote courses.

I think this exemplifies a change in thinking about remote work, and device use. I have heard that a young person nowadays uses their phone for eight hours a day, and sleeps for six and a half: thus, if phone use is a full third of their day, it essentially is reality.

Why would a child need to be in the surrounding areas of a town if the course is remote anyways? Surely, geography isn't a factor, as the course is remote.

I think, it is because screens are the norm now. Instead of being in real life and occasionally looking at a phone, we are now in a world where children have their whole life through the screen, and occasionally are dragged back into reality. (Kicking and screaming, if you've ever witnessed a four-year old be denied access to their parent's tablet.)

(I'm reserving judgement here. Of course, there is a lot of known evil about phone use: mental health and body image issues, content that tends ever more extreme, etc. But likely there is good in it too. I don't know: I avoid it as it is bad for what I want, but I wouldn't call it unconditionally bad.)