Weeknotes 2024-W40

2024-10-06 • weeknotes • 634 words

This is entry 6 of 100 for #100DaysToOffload, and my weeknotes for the week 2024-09-30 to 2024-10-06.

My second weeknotes. It's been a decent week, although my mood has been down at times.


I've made a good start on this - as above, I've written five entries on my blog this week, plus the one weeknotes from last week. Three of these are actually about something: an obligatory post about Linux (and why I use it), and a post on intermediation and on going too far, too soon with new technology. The writing on the blog is certainly shorter, but also slightly better quality than on my wordvomits, which is good. I'll try to improve my writing over time, too.


I've actually written quite a lot. I've written six wvs, and three poems along my blog writing. You can tell what my mood has been like based on the poems alone... A tad low, yet not really in a depressive way. More just a little languid at times, or low I suppose. I think it is because my sleep has not been great.

I'll hopefully keep this up next week! (the writing I mean, not the languor)


I've kept up with Inktober (I'm not going to post the images yet... they're terrible!) but have mostly just drawn in pencil as opposed to actually inking, because I need to practise just the act of drawing/sketching first. I might add a section on the website for them at some point. I have though missed days and then needed to do two in a single day a couple times. Mostly my own fault as I get drawn in too much by programming problems I've having writing jezup in Zig and constantly getting out-of-bounds panics. I'm going to catch up today and will try not to have this problem going forward.


I... haven't been at all this week. So, I need to go tomorrow and pick up the habit to make sure it doesn't slip.


I went to see Eugene Onegin at the Royal Opera House this Wednesday, and honestly, it was amazing. I think I might end up getting into the opera a bit. It can be pricey though... The ticket we got was "cheap" at only £53, and was high up in the amphitheatre, but still offered a really good view.

I've since been suggested a few other things to watch, so I'll try see what I can find and go a bit more often!

Italy... soon

I am honestly a little nervous about going to Italy next week. I still have to get some things sorted out for it (make sure all the right clothes are washed, print out tickets, make sure I've got my passport) but then I'm a bit worried say, I won't know my way around the airport, or the bus will be late, or I'll go to the wrong bus stop, or things like that. I suppose it will be just fine, it always is, it just feels scary in a way, possibly because it's the first time I've been abroad in so long, and the first time on my own...

Next week...

For next week, I just want to go the gym a little more, and then do all I can with the time I've got. I'll have a haircut (my hair is very long and messy, though doesn't look too bad if I leave it down) to tidy up my fringe and beard (I need to start actually shaving a bit more). I don't have anything planned for next week really in terms of things to do and see, but I will try get something put in for when I get back...

I'll also need to pick up study for LM2 a little: I need to sit the exam at the end of this month really otherwise it'll never get done...

That's all! Have a good o- hold on, this isn't wv! See you next week! :)