• weeknotes • 580 words
Going to try a slightly new structure: each day as a heading.
We (me, my mum and grandma) went to see a performance of Mozart's music by the European Symphony Orchestra, with opera singing. It was absolutely amazing, and very well performed.
It's reminded me that I need to try see Don Giovanni and The Marriage of Figaro when I get the chance! Next year?
The violinist was very passionate - I wonder how she didn't tire herself out. Incredibly impressive, though.
In terms of work: this week will be fairly busy, as I've got deadlines to hit, more or less. I think I am not really enjoying the job at present. Too much of being asked when things will be done, and not enough patience. It's wearing me thin. I think they are getting to the end of the year and want to have it done, but at the end of the day it's a big project, and even if it gets done by the end of the year (our part) it'll sit idle for a few months until everything else is ready. Oh, the corporate world frustrates me.
It's snowed on the way to work! A little bit, at least. It won't settle. But this means that the first frosts have come, basically. I'll have to get the tender fuchsias sorted out pretty soon. It is approaching the end of November, so it makes somewhat of sense.
Hopefully we get proper snow this winter! I doubt it, but I still would like it. We haven't had snow near us for close to five years now, I think.
In the evening, I received my new pen and new inks. I might even write something on these separately. The pen is incredibly thin, and I think I will have to get used to it a little: I need to apply less pressure or it is too scratchy.
Nothing to note. I didn't go to the gym in the evening, and ate my first Alpro soya greek yoghurt. I had the full tin... it is very good. Especially with some raspberries.
The singles bar event for today was cancelled, so I came home, grabbing yogurts on the way and chips. I ate copiously (the chips, some small bits of roast my mum made, two of the yoghurts totalling 900g of yoghurt total) and spent the evening practising guitar. It was quite good, but I am no good at guitar at all. I think I have settled on the fact that it will really take me a long time, and I need to consistently practise. I also need to find specific techniques, e.g. bar chords, hammers, that are used commonly and practise though, alongside general speed etc. Basically, if even Here Comes the Sun is too hard for me, maybe I need to start off easier.
Nothing of note, if I recall.
We went to the usual cafe, and happened to be there at the same time as both my sisters and their kids (coincidental). Was very fun! Did a bit of studying for my RHS and LM2 whilst there.
Drove up to Brighton with my grandparents to visit family. Travelling on the M25 is so loud, it gives me a headache. We diverted at some point and took a scenic route through a town called Sundridge and near Sheffield Park. I need to try see if they have a bus that goes there at some point... It was pleasant to see them though. We just stayed for a lunch and had a chat and catch up.