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The now section is an idea by Derek Sivers in which you add a page to your website, now, giving an overview on what you are up to now. Nothing too complicated. I used to, in my journalling, in addition to my daily journalling, to write a mer (month-end review) and a yer (year-end review). I don't think this will replace the mers and yers, but it will function similarly.
My plan for this month is:
I feel as if I haven't really updated this much. In July, I have gone through some blips where I haven't really done as I want. To an extent, I'm going through a bad state. But of course, it's still progressing, if slowly. I've been doing wv a little more, as well as picking up guitar a little. It's not been great progress as mentioned, but hey. The allotment is not amazing, yet oddly I'm content with it.
Gym, swims, etc. I'm getting thinner and leaner. I'm eating better, reading a lot more, slowly progressing allotment, etc.
(Written in June) I've continued the gym membership, been reading more, studying more (now on RHS M3), etc. Complete LM1.
I have begun a gym membership and will try go thrice weekly; I will read the next book of Plato; RHS M2 is progressing well. The study book for LM1 is finished and I only need to revise for the exam then sit it in May, ideally. At the allotment, much has been planted out.
I did not take up exercise as I said I wanted, but this has happened in April; I tried calisthenics in March but it didn't really work out (own fault). I read Theaetetus, which was very good and I would actually like to read again; I've finished the RHS M1, sent it off and begun RHS M2; LM1 is progressing and almost done. Many things sown for the allotment.
I've finished the RHS M1 but still need to send it off. Didn't do any more exercise than in January, weight is maintained a constant but not lost any weight. Plastic- and UPF-luwe continued, foodwise it's not too hard but I've ordered plants which have come in plastic. Hey ho. Read Cratylus and A Spotter's Guide to the Countryside, began reading The Black Swan. Allotment is progressing decently, with many seeds sown, if a bit early for some (e.g. tomatoes, especially sunflowers).
I aimed to get the first module of RHS done, but by the end of the month I'm only mostly done... it should be done early Feb.
The daily exercise hasn't really happened either. Over half the days I've done no additional exercise. That said, I lost around 7 lb this month, which shows I must be doing something right.
The sourdough happened, and after some initial difficulty, it's up and running. The bread is still not great, but getting better.
Plastic-luwe and UPF were a bit success this month: I bought very little plastic (but: not none) and ate less UPF (I did eat some for using up leftover food, when people cooked for me, eating at cafes, etc.)
I didn't get around to reading Cratylus, but read a few of the works in the Philokalia.
I did not get around to reading Cratylus, instead reading Die Mansarde and Ultra-processed People, and continuing slightly on Either/Or (a difficult read that I don't exactly understand).
I also did not make massive progress on the RHS course, though, a little.
I did write in C a quick program eow, and also a library for a contiguous string array which I used in developing eow called strarr. It was good to get to do some C programming, and I quite like it as a language! I am getting more familiar with it, and am not so scared about string manipulation in C now.
The exercise was generally lacking, and on many days I did nothing at all. Luckily, I ate fairly moderately and did not put on much weight over Christmas.
Not a terrible month all in all, especially given it was Christmas. But not a fantastic month either.
I read Skin in the Game, and Phaedo, and later Antifragile - I haven't continued The Technological Society and will likely drop it. I've done a little, but not much on the allotment - the frosts have arrived now, and it's mostly quietened down. It's not entirely covered over, but a good amount has been.
The exercise is now at fifty days - I can see visible gains (I'm still far from muscular, but certainly a little leaner in the arms). I've been feeling a little demotivated with it though.
I have begun the RHS course - but I am a bit behind on the studying. I'll focus more on it next month.
I had planned to work more on reassess, though that has not happened all too much. I've made some progress. I also began working on jitensha again, but in Zig. Again, a little progress but nowhere near finished. I have gotten the allotment to a state where, whilst far from finished, I could be happy if I didn't progress on it for the rest of the year. And I added an allotment diaryto the website as well. I read two books of Plato, as well as Homo Deus and The Egoist. I unfortunately have not progressed much on the story. I've been a little more sensible in terms of sleep, but not by much. On the tenth, I decided to do a small exercise regime, but everyday, for consistency. I've kept a streak of twenty days so far, which I'm decently proud of.
I've read a fair bit this month: Longitude, The Last Man, The Acquisitive Society, The Kybalion... I have also decided to, in the vein of another blog I can't remember which, start reading Plato (finally!) - at least one book a month; I've updated the website to better keep a track of what I read - it's now all automated with scripts, and looks decently good. I have decided to start writing a little game in D and SDL2, just for learning purposes, for fun not profit; I also want to see if Zig can be used for anything, say, the orgd scripts (that I don't exactly need now...). I have also begun to start to write up a little on a story I have wanted to write for a while now - a basic romance between two people who work at a flower nursery. It'll probably be terrible, but we will see how it goes. I'm going to get a new fountain pen early next month, and am looking forward to seeing how it writes, and how the Iroshizuku ink is. If it writes really well, I may have found myself a new interest! Apart from that, I have tended the allotment rather little. I must get it ready before the winter comes; the days are already noticeably shorter. I did put up one of the circle beds, and placed in it the hydrangea 'Blue Danube' and some gypsophila elegans. The sweet peas are getting pulled up slowly, and it's coming to the end of the year for it. We also had our holiday in the Peak District, in Hope Valley, at the end of the month - it is a lovely place.