
2024-10-05 • no tags • 121 words

It is now Saturday. We prepare today
For family to come over and kids to play
On the trampoline. I'm sat in the sun
On the patio, expecting some fun
Later; for now, I'm thinking of courgette
(Harvested two); I'll write a prosette
Or little poem I think; I don't know.
It is not a bad day. The sun's aglow
And even burns a little. I'm not tired
Yet nor am I enthusiastic, fired
Up to achieve; really, I haven't drive
Or real intent to succeed or to thrive
Or just to live. The tomatoes have blight
And I'm not concerned: it feels a bit trite
To worry about crops in October.
I won't drink; I'm happy being sober;
I'm just dull you see, or a bit bored, or
Say, desirous of something a bit more.