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Words: 183 (1 minutes to read)
'to write my letters with simplicity'
I am often overly verbose, or write in a convoluted way... I suppose in academic writing it benefits me, but of course it is not a good practise generally. It also disguises my lack of a broad vocabulary - an issue I do not particularly seek to alleviate... simplicity does not mean inexactitude.
'to always be the same, in sharp pains, on the occasion of the loss of a child...'
Easier said than done. I think this could be interpreted as to not show emotion for the loss of a child, yet I believe any good man should. It is not unmanly to cry; yet to allow emotions to dominate one, or to act without reason, is unmanly, I would conjecture.
'From Alexander the Platonic, not frequently nor without necessity to say to anyone, or to write in a letter, that I have no leisure; nor continually to excuse the neglect of duties required by our relation to those with whom we live, by alleging urgent occupations.'
Interesting that even within Aurelius' time, the excuse "I'm too busy" was seemingly just as over-prevalent. I myself am guilty of saying this...