2024-09-20 • no tags • 1033 words
I've been to the gym this evening, as opposed to watching a movie as is my routine as of two weeks ago. I would have watched the movie, but I needed to go to the gym to not owe my brother fifty quid, and I couldn't go in the morning as I was recovering from the night of drinking. I have returned, made a massive dinner (leftover rice and lentils from two days, about 500g in all; then lentils and quinoa again about 3-400g I would say; most of 200g and half an onion fried in olive oil; two slices of toast with peanut butter). For lunch I ate four slices of garlic bread, and no breakfast, so I guess I'm probably not over my calories for the day (or hopefully not by much).
However, I am still gaining weight, and so need to find a way to get protein in without eating so much. I would aim for 80g protein as a minimum on gym days: how can I get that?
I am eating this much in order to make sure I am getting enough protein; I know that I need about 140g of protein given my mass, and so try to stuff myself with as much as I can to get protein. But of course, that is not good; I need to instead find a way to get a very protein heavy diet without stuffing myself in this way. I think that it would be good to try to have a diet that focussed more on:
So those three, alongside rice, pasta, bread (I need to stop eating the stuff from Aldis, that is ultra-processed, and either stick to Sainsbury's/baker's bread or only eat my own) and peanut butter, I think it will do me good. I will then also benefit from eating more leafy greens, broccoli, etc.
Generally, I think I just need to eat less, so as to get somewhat of a calorie deficit, which I think is more important for me at the moment. That way I can hopefully lose the stomach, and that will basically get me to where I want to be.
I need to think about the exercises I do in the gym: I kind of find a routine that sort of works and just do what I know of it, which is ok, but does mean I am not necessarily training every muscle. I'm beginning to do legs now, which is good, but I need to also make sure core, obliques, and forearms are trained, alongside the rest that I believe I do generally train. It'll be some work to find a good system, but one I considered (it dawned on me as I was cycling back from the gym) is to have a full set of exercises that I am to do, and make sure they are all done for the week. I can make it reasonable, e.g. fifteen exercises or so, and do five each day. Then I can pick and choose as fits my mood, and make sure I try to do what I can to benefit my future self. I think that would be a good plan, and so all that is left is to work out what those weekly exercises would be. This also obviates the need for dedicated push/pull/leg days, where instead each day can be a bit mixed, but everything gets done in the end much the same.
I wonder if I could begin to use creatine. From what I can see, it is not dangerous, and in fact is only beneficial. That said, it does still feel firstly a little like cheating, and secondly like I would be taking almost steroids, in that it could be dangerous... though it seems from preliminary research to be ok. I may consult Andrew Huberman and see if he has mentioned it and if so in what light. If it is good, I may well begin to take it, to help me get better gains, and not tire so easily, etc. It may be particularly useful given the vegan diet. I guess I will see; if I do not like it, I can always quit at any time. It does not have the same effect as steroids either it seems in the consequent harms in terms of fertility etc. so that is good. I think it could well be a good choice for supplementation, seeing as I suppose I am now a bit of a gym rat, I need to try to optimise it a little... my current system is absolutely terrible, and so it would be good I think to work out a better system, seeing as I am to dedicate three hours (outside of the cycle to and from) to the gym at least per week.
Also, creatine is meant to also have cognitive benefits, mood, etc. It would be good to try it at least. I think if I do, I can see from the start how it affects me, and if there are any adverse effects. Of course there may be some longer term health effects, but I can research these over time, and consider then.
(Andrew Huberman seems very positive about it - I think then I will research brands that are good, and find a good one, then buy it and try it. I will probably stick to a low dose, e.g. 3g-5g to begin with, and will only load very slowly if I do decide to load the creatine. I'll see I guess, but I think it would do me good. I still feel a little like it's cheating, but I don't think it is the bad kind of cheating: it's not steroids.)
Also, I've a swim tomorrow, and should really consider what I want to do in terms of also optimising my performance for swimming. As in, trying to make sure I know good form, as well as making sure that can increase my stamina.
Ok, that's all. The gym is something I've been doing a bit as of late, so it's worth my time to try to figure out how and what to do with it.
Have a good one.