Work in progress

2025-01-05 • no tags • 309 words

(This is entry 61 of #100DaysToOffload)

I've felt for a while now that most everything that I am doing is a work in progress: it's not something I can feel proud of yet. For instance, I go to the gym and try to work out (even though I have slacked for some months), yet currently don't look altogether different to before: a tiny bit thinner, and a little bit more muscle in my arm. It's not completely noticeable, but I can see it on myself if I search for it. In terms of guitar, I'm playing it, and probably am improving slowly, but am still not that good in all. In terms of studying, I've still got a lot to do, and don't think I'm in an incredible spot and need to do more. etc etc.

Basically, everything is a work-in-progress. I sort of wonder when it will stop being a work in progress, and I'll just be satisfied with what I've got. After two years of the guitar, will I be happy? After I've done my Cert CII, or my Dip CII, will I be happy? Once I've got a good physique, or a six-pack, or whatever it might be, will I be satisfied with my body? Once I can do a barre chord consistently without issue, or play songs well, and feel confident I can perform, will I be happy with guitar?

I feel like this year, and the process of taking things day by day, will help me here: by the end of the year, I would hopefully have a set of things that I can be fairly proud of, as long as I keep consistent. And I do enjoy this slower pace of life, and taking each day one at a time. I just need to be patient. I have to remember that I'm only in my early twenties: I've got years yet before it's an issue!